Josh on the flying bridge, 2020.
I’m Josh Pierson, skipper of Papa’s Catch, a 32-foot gillnetter in Bristol Bay, Alaska. After spending 12 years as a deckhand, I started running my own boat in 2012. I live and work alongside my amazing crew mates, who are also some of my oldest friends, for two months every summer. The rest of the year, I work at a school in Southborough, MA, and live in Harvard, MA, with my wife, two kids, a three-legged dog, and a three-legged cat.
My name is Marc Barreda and I am one of the sensitive strong backs/weak minds that Josh has wrangled into fishing. Most of the year, I live in Amsterdam spinning the myriad plates it takes to call myself an artist: blowing glass, teaching, collaborating and fabricating, and making time to develop my own works. For two miraculous and challenging months out of the year, I get to leave most of that behind and disappear into the tundra and waters of Bristol Bay. Together the four of us, crew and captain, navigate rocky waters, competitive boats, and the challenges of keeping an old boat pushing through long days to bring you the highest quality salmon.
Marc completes a successful safety drill
We are proud to be part of one of the most intensively managed fisheries in the world that can consistently provide 51% of the world's wild salmon harvest every year. And we are proud to bring you a product that we can call the best!