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Please choose the location/date that works best for you during the checkout process. There will be a $5 delivery fee on all orders not picked up in Harvard, MA (this will be automatically added during the “shipping” section during checkout).
Upcoming Deliveries/Pickups
1/20 Harvard, MA area deliveries
2/1 Upper Valley deliveries/pickups (VT and NH) specifics TBD
2/15 Western/Central MA deliveries
3/14 Chestertown, MD 100 S. Queen St. 6-7:30 PM
3/15 DC area deliveries
3/16 South Orange, NJ 407 Valley St Stop and Shop parking lot 1-2 PM
3/21 Corning @ Walnut and Dennison public parking lot 1:30-2:15 PM
3/21 Ithaca @ 925 N. Tioga St. 4-6 PM